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International Summer School on
Quality Assurance in a Testing Laboratory (ISO/IEC 17025)



This summer school was created because 

  • Measurements and analysis are everywhere in science and society
  • Good science and proper decision making requires quality assured data
  • Accreditation and metrology become more and more important
  • Testing laboratories are required to work according to the international standard ISO/IEC 17025
  • Active and problem based pedagogy are highly efficient to teach in this context 



Content: covers broad range of topics related to quality assurance, ISO/IEC-17025, metrology and accreditation

  • Traceability, uncertainty, compliance assessment and decision limits, validation, use of CRMs, internal and external quality assurance, interlaboratory comparisons, auditing


Effective and attractive pedagogical approach: apply on the spot what we teach !

  • Problem based and active learning
  • Student centered
  • Two weeks intensive school, with real laboratory work
  • Emphasis on transversal skills


The  summer school environment is by nature international, with participants from all across the globe. So far, there have been 580 participants, from 56 different countries in 4 different continents.